Thank you everyone for your generous support to the fundraising exhibition ‘Call from the Yellow Earth’. So far we have raised over seven thousand pounds (the accurate figures will be announced later stage) from the exhibition and from donations. Some funds raised from China have been transferred to Wu Jiangwei’s account directly by the donators. For all details and updates of the fundraising, please send email to Weimin He: 
During the fundraising exhibition, there are numerous people have supported this event, some volunteers for this event include Fang Linhao, Jia Tiantian, Du Xuan and HM Grace and Mr Weng etc.Wu Jiangwei’s family is very touched by all of your generous and extremely kind support. At the moment, Jiangwei does dialyze three times a week; Jiangwei’s mother has just done her kidney biopsy and we wish a good result will come out.